Ultra Clear Float Glass

Ultra Clear Float Glass


1.Ultra-clear float glass refers to ultra-clear glass that has all the processability properties of high-quality float glass. It has superior physical, mechanical and optical properties and can be processed in various ways like other high-quality float glass. Such as tempering, coating, color glaze, hot bending, lamination, hollow assembly
2.In the field of architecture, Ultra-clear float glass not only saves energy and is environmentally friendly, but also integrates fashionable and avant-garde architectural styles and design concepts into architectural designs. The combination of ultra-white glass's superior optical properties and photoelectric technology in photoelectric curtain walls indicates a new and promising field.




Normal Sizes

1830*2440mm, 2134*3300mm, 2250*3300mm, 2440*3300mm, 2140*3660mm, 2440*3660mm



Various glass guardrails. Building curtain walls and glass ribs.   Indoor doors, windows, partitions, walls and floors, etc.  . Solar glass panels.  Home appliances.  Furniture.  Bathroom supplies.   
Various types of lighting accessories. High-end handicrafts



1000SQM, can mix with other glass in a container


Plywood Crates with paper/ powder interleaving